Midterms and finals will be administered in person. You can use an 8.5x11 inch (front and back) handwritten cheat sheet (printed cheat sheets are not allowed, not even if handwritten on iPad).
Midterm I
- Date and Time: Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 4-5:40pm PT (4-6:30pm with DSP 1.5x time).
- Room:
- Topics: all material covered in Units 1-7 up to slide 7.18 (check the list of required topics)
- Samples: Spring19 (blank), Fall19a (blank), Fall19b (blank), Spring20 (blank), Fall22a (blank), Fall22b (blank), Fall22c (blank), Fall22d (blank), Spring23a (blank), Spring23b (blank), Spring23c (blank), Fall23a (blank), Fall23b (blank), Fall23c (blank), Fall23d (blank) Spring24a (blank), Spring24b (blank), Spring24c (blank), Fall24a (blank), Fall24b (blank), Fall24c (blank)
- Textbook preparation problems
- Exercises 2.3 (p.38), 2.23 (p.80)
- Exercises 2.29 (p.93) [just indicate if signed overflow occurred], 2.33 (p.153), 2.40 (p.156)
- Exercise 2.5 (p.160)
- Homework problems at the back of Chapter 2 are good exercises to review Unit1-Unit3
- Exercises 3.2 (p.185), 3.5 (p.189), 3.6 (p.192)
- Exercises 3.18 (p.213), 3.20 (p.219), 3.21 (p.219), 3.24 (p.224), 3.25 (p.226)
- Homework problems at the back of Chapter 3 are good exercises to review.
Midterm II
- Date and Time: Fri, Apr 4, 2025 at 4-5:40pm PT (4-6:30pm with DSP 1.5x time).
- Room:
- Topics: all material covered in Units 8-11 (check the list of required topics)
- Samples: Spring19 (blank) Spring19 (blank) Fall19 (blank) Fall22a (blank) Fall22b (blank) Fall22c (blank) Fall22d (blank) Spring23a (blank) Spring23b (blank) Spring23c (blank) Fall23a (blank) Fall23b (blank) Fall23c (blank) Spring24a (blank) Spring24b (blank) Fall24a (blank) Fall24b (blank) Fall24c (blank)
- A summary of VM and cache organization
- Textbook preparation problems
- Exercises 3.44 (p.275), 3.45, 3.68 (p.320), 3.69
- Exercises 6.25 (p.650), 6.26, 6.30, 6.31, 6.32, 6.33, 6.34, 6.36
- Exercises 9.11-9.13 (reference memory state in Fig. 9.20 on p.822), 9.11 (p.877), 9.12, 9.13, 9.15
- Date and Time: Mon, May 12, 2025 at 4:30-6:30pm PT (4:30-7:30pm with DSP 1.5x time).
- Room: TBD
- Topics: all material covered during the course (check the list of required topics)
- Samples: Spring19 (blank, plus all problems in Midterm I and II), Spring19a (blank), Spring19b (blank), Fall19 (blank), Fall22 (blank), Spring23a (blank), Spring23b (blank), Spring23c (blank) Fall23a (blank), Fall23b (blank), Fall23c (blank) Spring24a (blank), Spring24b (blank), Fall24a (blank), Fall24b (blank),
- Additional unrolling/scheduling problems: Additional Slides
- Additional textbook preparation problems
- Exercises 5.8, 5.13, 5.14b
- Exercises 7.6, 7.9, 7.11, 7.12
- All other textbook problems from Midterm I and II