Midterm II: Required Topics
Unit 8: Structs and Unions
- Computing the padding of structs to align (1) each member to a
multiple of its size and (2) the start/end of each nested struct to
a multiple of its largest member.
- Using unions to read/write the same region of memory as variables
with different types or size.
Unit 8: Buffer Overflow Attacks
- Vulnerable and safe library functions (e.g.,
- Protection mechanisms: canary values, address space layout
randomization, non-executable memory pages.
- Understanding the amount of padding needed to fill the buffer (from
the assembly code).
- Code injection attacks: overwriting the return address for the
execution of binary code injected on the stack.
- Return-oriented programming: preparing a sequence of return
addresses triggering the execution of multiple gadgets; how to pop
data from the stack using gadgets.
Unit 9: Introduction to ARM64
- Arithmetic/logic operations between registers (slide 9.7)
- Using shift or rotate on the second input operand (slide 9.6)
- Memory load/store operations (slide 9.9)
- Examples on slides 8.8, 9.10
- Addressing modes (slide 9.11)
- Function call and return mechanisms (slide 9.18)
Unit 10: Memory
- Understanding latency and throughput.
- The principles of spatial and temporal locality.
- The memory hierarchy and caching: how size, latency and cost vary.
- Some latency numbers every programmer should know: L1 (1 ns), RAM
(100 ns), SSD random read (20 $\mu$s), datacenter roundtrip (0.5
ms), rotating disk seek (3 ms), US-EU roundtrip (150 ms).
Unit 10: Caching
- Splitting the memory in cache blocks: entire blocks transferred from
memory to cache (spatial locality), least-recently used blocks
evicted (temporal locality).
- Write-through and write-back policies.
- Replacement policies: FIFO, LRU, random.
- Cache organization: direct-mapped (1 set for each line),
set-associative (S sets and K ways, i.e., entries per set),
fully-associating (1 set for entire cache).
- Splitting the physical address into tag/set-index/block-offset to
search into the cache and to simulation a trace of memory accesses.
- Average access time
$T = (\textrm{hit time}) + (\textrm{miss rate}) \times (\textrm{miss penalty})$
- How associativity, size, block size influence the average access time.
- Principle of inclusion.
- Cache conscious programming: hits/misses in loops over 1D and 2D data structures.
Unit 11: Virtual Memory
- Motivation: isolate memory regions of different processes; control
r/w/x access to pages; use main memory as a cache of pages persisted
on disk.
- Address translation: physical vs virtual address space, MMU and page
tables (one for each process), splitting the address in VPN and page
- Saving space with multi-level page tables.
- Saving time with TLBs: VPN is split in tag and set index to search
for a page table entry (PTE) in the TLB. To distinguish PTEs of
different processes, add the process ID to the TLB or flush the TLB;
set lookup in the cache (using the physical address PPN|PAGE_OFFSET)
can be overlapped with the VPN ⟹ PPN translation in the TLB if the
set index of the cache is contained int the PAGE_OFFSET.